Most of People Believing in Good and Bad Luck…………

Most of People Believing in Good and Bad Luck…………

Better Attitudes

By an attitude we mean the way we feel toward some idea or some event. If a person believes that wearing some kind of charm will prevent him from having bad luck, he will wear the charm and will feel uncomfortable without it. Feelings which involve fear such as this are called superstitions. Superstitions people believe in signs of good and bad luck and their lives are greatly influenced by such signs. Superstitions beliefs are being overcome. By using the scientific method to demonstrate that there is no sound basis for them. Few people today believe that diseases are caused by evil spirits. Through astrology and fortune-telling are still practiced, they do not influence the lives of as many people as they once did. It has been learned that there is always a good natural reason for everything that happens to people. As a result, most people no longer fear black cats, broken mirrors and the number 13.

By the scientific method it has been demonstrated that ideas are not necessarily true because they have been believed for a long time. Ideas must now be supported by facts in order to be scientist or to people who use the scientific method. The discoveries of scientists have helped people develop an attitude of open-mindedness. They are more willing to look new truths that assume that what their old ideas as a result of new discoveries made by scientists, they are less likely to accept conclusions as final.


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