Important Information for you

Important Information for you

  • The world’s second largest river Amazon is situated in South America. It is 6296 kilometers long.
  • The grazing of cattle, especially, the grazing of goats has been an important profession of the prophets.
  • Europe’s longest river is Volga which is 3690 kilometers long.
  • The world’s largest forest is situated in Siberia in Northern Russia. It is spread over an area of 1100 million hectares. In this way, it covers 25 per cent of the world’s total forest area.
  • The temperature of the outer part of the sun is six thousand degrees centigrade while the temperature of the earth’s interior part on two thousand degrees centigrade.
  • Antarctica is the world’s fifth largest continent. Throughout the year, it is covered with a thick sheet of snow whose average thickness is about   6500 feet.
  • Moon light reaches the earth in 1.3 second while the sun light takes 8.5 minutes to reach the earth.
  • Cairo, the capital of Egypt and Africa’s largest city is situated on the Eastern bank of River Nile.
  • Japan’s third largest city if Osaka where forty per cent of the country’s business is done. From the industrial point of view, it is the Chicago of Japan. On account of its 70 canals and more than 1000 bridges, it is also known as the Venice of Japan.
  • Tokyo is the most popular city not only in Japan but also in the whole world. The word Tokyo literally means Eastern capital.
  • Glasgow, the capital of Scotland is an important British port and the center of shipping industry.
  • Kaaba, the holiest place of worship in Islam is situated in the famous Saudi city of Makkah, in which non-Muslims are not allowed to enter.
  • New York is the largest port city in the United States. It is also known as the city of sky scrapers (A sky scraper is a very tall building with many stories)
  • Even in the pre-Christ period, the people if India and Southern China used to raise the silkworms. They even prepared silk cloth and sent it to the Persian Gulf countries.


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